255 research outputs found

    Distributed estimation and control of node centrality in undirected asymmetric networks

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    Measures of node centrality that describe the importance of a node within a network are crucial for understanding the behavior of social networks and graphs. In this paper, we address the problems of distributed estimation and control of node centrality in undirected graphs with asymmetric weight values. In particular, we focus our attention on α\alpha-centrality, which can be seen as a generalization of eigenvector centrality. In this setting, we first consider a distributed protocol where agents compute their α\alpha-centrality, focusing on the convergence properties of the method; then, we combine the estimation method with a consensus algorithm to achieve a consensus value weighted by the influence of each node in the network. Finally, we formulate an α\alpha-centrality control problem which is naturally decoupled and, thus, suitable for a distributed setting and we apply this formulation to protect the most valuable nodes in a network against a targeted attack, by making every node in the network equally important in terms of {\alpha}-centrality. Simulations results are provided to corroborate the theoretical findings.Comment: published on IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/912618

    Route Swarm: Wireless Network Optimization through Mobility

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    In this paper, we demonstrate a novel hybrid architecture for coordinating networked robots in sensing and information routing applications. The proposed INformation and Sensing driven PhysIcally REconfigurable robotic network (INSPIRE), consists of a Physical Control Plane (PCP) which commands agent position, and an Information Control Plane (ICP) which regulates information flow towards communication/sensing objectives. We describe an instantiation where a mobile robotic network is dynamically reconfigured to ensure high quality routes between static wireless nodes, which act as source/destination pairs for information flow. The ICP commands the robots towards evenly distributed inter-flow allocations, with intra-flow configurations that maximize route quality. The PCP then guides the robots via potential-based control to reconfigure according to ICP commands. This formulation, deemed Route Swarm, decouples information flow and physical control, generating a feedback between routing and sensing needs and robotic configuration. We demonstrate our propositions through simulation under a realistic wireless network regime.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 201

    The Observability Radius of Networks

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    This paper studies the observability radius of network systems, which measures the robustness of a network to perturbations of the edges. We consider linear networks, where the dynamics are described by a weighted adjacency matrix, and dedicated sensors are positioned at a subset of nodes. We allow for perturbations of certain edge weights, with the objective of preventing observability of some modes of the network dynamics. To comply with the network setting, our work considers perturbations with a desired sparsity structure, thus extending the classic literature on the observability radius of linear systems. The paper proposes two sets of results. First, we propose an optimization framework to determine a perturbation with smallest Frobenius norm that renders a desired mode unobservable from the existing sensor nodes. Second, we study the expected observability radius of networks with given structure and random edge weights. We provide fundamental robustness bounds dependent on the connectivity properties of the network and we analytically characterize optimal perturbations of line and star networks, showing that line networks are inherently more robust than star networks.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Secure rendezvous and static containment in multi-agent systems with adversarial intruders

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    In this paper we propose a novel distributed local interaction protocol for networks of multi-agent systems (MASs) in a multi-dimensional space under directed time-varying graph with the objective to achieve secure rendezvous or static containment within the convex hull of a set of leader agents. We consider the scenario where a set of anonymous adversarial agents may intrude the network (or may be hijacked by a cyber-attack) and show that the proposed strategy guarantees the achievement of the global objective despite the continued influence of the adversaries which cannot be detected nor identified by the collaborative agents. We characterize the convergence properties of the proposed protocol in terms of the characteristics of the underlying network topology of the multi-agent system. Numerical simulations and examples corroborate the theoretical results

    The Observability Radius of Networks

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    This paper studies the observability radius of network systems, which measures the robustness of a network to perturbations of the edges. We consider linear networks, where the dynamics are described by a weighted adjacency matrix and dedicated sensors are positioned at a subset of nodes. We allow for perturbations of certain edge weights with the objective of preventing observability of some modes of the network dynamics. To comply with the network setting, our work considers perturbations with a desired sparsity structure, thus extending the classic literature on the observability radius of linear systems. The paper proposes two sets of results. First, we propose an optimization framework to determine a perturbation with smallest Frobenius norm that renders a desired mode unobservable from the existing sensor nodes. Second, we study the expected observability radius of networks with given structure and random edge weights. We provide fundamental robustness bounds dependent on the connectivity properties of the network and we analytically characterize optimal perturbations of line and star networks, showing that line networks are inherently more robust than star networks

    Decentralized Estimation of Laplacian Eigenvalues in Multi-Agent Systems

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    In this paper we present a decentralized algorithm to estimate the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix that encodes the network topology of a multi-agent system. We consider network topologies modeled by undirected graphs. The basic idea is to provide a local interaction rule among agents so that their state trajectory is a linear combination of sinusoids oscillating only at frequencies function of the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix. In this way, the problem of decentralized estimation of the eigenvalues is mapped into a standard signal processing problem in which the unknowns are the finite number of frequencies at which the signal oscillates

    Selective Trimmed Average: A Resilient Federated Learning Algorithm With Deterministic Guarantees on the Optimality Approximation

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    The federated learning (FL) paradigm aims to distribute the computational burden of the training process among several computation units, usually called agents or workers, while preserving private local training datasets. This is generally achieved by resorting to a server-worker architecture where agents iteratively update local models and communicate local parameters to a server that aggregates and returns them to the agents. However, the presence of adversarial agents, which may intentionally exchange malicious parameters or may have corrupted local datasets, can jeopardize the FL process. Therefore, we propose selective trimmed average (SETA), which is a resilient algorithm to cope with the undesirable effects of a number of misbehaving agents in the global model. SETA is based on properly filtering and combining the exchanged parameters. We mathematically prove that the proposed algorithm is resilient against data and local model poisoning attacks. Most resilient methods presented so far in the literature assume that a trusted server is in hand. In contrast, our algorithm works both in server-worker and shared memory architectures, where the latter excludes the necessity of a trusted server. The theoretical findings are corroborated through numerical results on MNIST dataset and on multiclass weather dataset (MWD)

    A Sum-of-States Preservation Framework for Open Multi-Agent Systems With Nonlinear Heterogeneous Coupling

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    In this paper, we develop a general Open Multi-Agent Systems (OMAS) framework over undirected graphs where the agents' interaction is, in general, nonlinear, time-varying, and heterogeneous, in that the agents interact with different pairwise interaction rules for each link, possibly nonlinear, which may change over time. In particular, assuming the agents interact by exchanging flows , which modify their states, our framework guarantees that the sum of the states of agents participating to the network is preserved. To this end, agents maintain a state variable for each of their neighbors. Upon disconnection of a neighbor, such a variable is used to completely eliminate the effect of previous interaction with disconnected agents from the overall systems. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed OMAS framework, we provide a case study focused on average consensus, and, specifically, we develop a sufficient condition on the structure of the agents' interaction guaranteeing asymptotic convergence under the assumption that the network becomes fixed. The paper is complemented by simulation results that numerically demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Ensemble Latent Space Roadmap for Improved Robustness in Visual Action Planning

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    Planning in learned latent spaces helps to decrease the dimensionality of raw observations. In this work, we propose to leverage the ensemble paradigm to enhance the robustness of latent planning systems. We rely on our Latent Space Roadmap (LSR) framework, which builds a graph in a learned structured latent space to perform planning. Given multiple LSR framework instances, that differ either on their latent spaces or on the parameters for constructing the graph, we use the action information as well as the embedded nodes of the produced plans to define similarity measures. These are then utilized to select the most promising plans. We validate the performance of our Ensemble LSR (ENS-LSR) on simulated box stacking and grape harvesting tasks as well as on a real-world robotic T-shirt folding experiment
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